jueves, 9 de julio de 2020

N-mixture models to estimate animal abundance with R and unmarked

Hi there!

 During the pandemic lockdown I was studying how N-mixture models to estimate animal abundance works. As a result, I wrote this small tutorial in R (Spanish) that helped me to better understand such models. Any correction or suggestion can be made by posting here or at jflopez.bio@gmail.com.

Hope you enjoy it!

viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

Another "flatten the COVID-19 curve" simulation... in R

 Hi there,

This is the best meme I've found during these days...

Well, here it is my "BUT" contribution. Some weeks ago The Washington Post published this simulations about how "social distancing" could help to "flat the curve" of COVID-19 infections. I fell in love with these simulations because their simplicity and explanatory power. Indeed, you can use the pretty similar principles to simulate predator hunt behavior and other movement patterns... I wrote some R code to have a tiny version of them...

 r <- raster(nrows = 100, ncols = 100, xmn = 0, xmx = 100, ymn = 0, ymx = 100)   
 r[] <- 0  
 steps <- 500  
 n <- 100  
 locations <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = n, nrow = steps))  
 pp <- randomPoints(r,n)  
 cell <- cellFromXY(r, pp)  
 infected <- 1:10  
 pob <- 1:n  
 ratio <- data.frame(1:steps, NA)  
 pob_inf <- list()  
 for (j in 1:steps){  
  locations[j,] <- cell  
  for(i in 1:n){  
   cell[i] <- adjacent(r, cell[i], 8)[round(runif(1,0.51,nrow(adjacent(r, cell[i], 8))+0.49),0),2]  
  new_inf <- cell %in% cell[infected]  
  infected <- pob[new_inf]  
  ratio[j,2] <- length(infected)  
  pob_inf[[j]] <- infected  
 locations2 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = n, nrow = steps))  
 cell2 <- cellFromXY(r, pp)  
 infected2 <- 1:10  
 pob2 <- 1:n  
 ratio2 <- data.frame(1:steps, NA)  
 pob_inf2 <- list()  
 for (j in 1:steps){  
  locations2[j,] <- cell2  
  for(i in 1:25){  
   cell2[i] <- adjacent(r, cell2[i], 8)[round(runif(1,0.51,nrow(adjacent(r, cell2[i], 8))+0.49),0),2]  
  new_inf2 <- cell2 %in% cell2[infected2]  
  infected2 <- pob2[new_inf2]  
  ratio2[j,2] <- length(infected2)  
  pob_inf2[[j]] <- infected2  

Let's make some plots to put them together in a GIF and better visualize the results...

 num <- seq(1,500,4)  
 for (p in 1:125){  
  id <- sprintf("%03d", num[p])  
  png(paste("corona_",id,".png", sep=""), width=780, height=800, units="px", pointsize = 15)  
  layout(matrix(c(1,1,2,3),2,2,byrow = TRUE))  
  plot(ratio[1:num[p],],pch=19, xlim = c(0,500), ylim = c(0,100), ylab = "nº of infected",   
     xlab = "time", col = "red", cex.axis = 1.4, cex.lab = 1.4, main = "Infected curves", cex.main = 2)  
  legend("topright", legend = c("free movement", "restricted movement"),lwd = c(4,4), col = c("red","blue"), cex = 1.5 )  
  plot(r, col = "white", legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, main = "free movement", cex.main = 1.8)  
  points(xyFromCell(r,as.numeric(locations[num[p],])), cex = 1.2, col = "grey40", pch = 18)  
  points(xyFromCell(r,as.numeric(locations[num[p],]))[pob_inf[[num[p]]],], pch = 18, col = "red", cex = 1.4)  
  plot(r, col = "white", legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, main = "restricted movement", cex.main = 1.8)  
  points(xyFromCell(r,as.numeric(locations2[num[p],])), cex = 1.2, col = "grey40", pch = 18)  
  points(xyFromCell(r,as.numeric(locations2[num[p],]))[pob_inf2[[num[p]]],], pch = 18, col = "blue", cex = 1.4)  


 Stay safe!

martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

rWind is working again!

 Yep, after several months fallen, rWind R package is working again! I'm sorry, but I'm too busy lately with my PhD dissertation and I have not all the time that I'd like to improve rWind 😞. The problem was due to the change of the URL to GFS server, and it was solved thanks to a pull request in GitHub... Thank you very much! The new version on CRAN (1.1.5) comes with some new functions to download sea current data from the OSCAR database! New examples with sea and wind currents coming soon...  also on Twitter @javi_ferlop
