Hi there!
Last summer, the
Royal Botanical Garden (Madrid, Spain) hosted the first edition of
MadPhylo, a workshop about Bayesian Inference in phylogeny using
RevBayes. It was a pleasure for me to be part of the organization staff with
John Huelsenbeck, Brian Moore, Sebastian Hoena, Mike May, Isabel
Sanmartin and Tamara Villaverde. Next edition of Madphylo will be held June 10, 2019 to June 19, 2019at the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid. If you are interested in
Bayesian Inference and phylogeny just can't miss it! You'll learn the RevBayes language, a programming language to perform phylogeny (and other) analyses under a Bayesian framework! Apply here!
The first days were focused to explain how we can use the Bayesian
framework to estimate the parameters of a model. I'm not an expert in Bayesian Inference at all, but in this post I'll try to reproduce one of the first Madphylo tutorials in R language. As a simple example,
we'll use a coin flipping experiment. We can model this experiment with
a binomial distribution:
binomial(n, p)
where n is
the number of tosses and the parameter p is the probability to
obtain a head. Given the number of tosses and the number of heads (h),
we can use Bayesian Inference to compute the probability to obtain a
head (p).
If we use Bayes’ theorem, we have that the probability of a
specific value of p given the number of heads (h) is:
where Pr(h|p) is the likelihood of the data given a
value of p, Pr(p) is the prior probability for p
and Pr(h) is the marginal likelihood for the data. The prior
probability of our parameter represent our believe about what values
can take the parameter. If we think our parameter can take whatever
value with the same probability, we use an uniform (flat) prior.
We can use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to introduce many
different values of p and get the posterior probability of
these values. To do this, we can use the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
algorithm, with the next steps (simplified):
- Step 1) Set an initial value for p.
p <- runif(1, 0, 1)
- Step 2) Propose a new value of p, called p'.
p_prime <- p + runif(1, -0.05, 0.05)
- Step 3) Compute the acceptance probability of this new value for the
parameter. We have to check if the new value improves the
posterior probability given our data. This can be seen as the ratio:
Pr(p'|h) / Pr(p|h).
It can be simplify as:
The advantage of this method is that we avoid to compute the marginal
likelihood, that is often difficult to obtain with more complex
models. Let’s stop here a little bit to explain each term of this
Since our main model
is a binomial model (coin toss), the likelihood function Pr(h|p)
can be defined in R language as:
# help(dbinom)
likelihood <- function(h, n, p){
lh <- dbinom(h, n, p)
Pr(p) is our prior probability, that is, our believe about
what values can take p. The
only thing that we know is that it must be a value between 0 and 1,
since it is a probability. If we think that all values have the same
probability, we can define a flat prior using the beta
distribution. A beta distribution with parameters β(1,1)
is a flat distribution between 0 and 1 (you can learn more about beta
distribution here). Then, in
R we can obtain Pr(p) under a β(1,1)
# help(dbeta)
dbeta(p, 1, 1)
Now, the acceptance probability (R, see equations in Step 3) will be the minimum value: 1 or the ratio of
posterior probabilities given the different p.
We express this equation in R language as follows:
R <- likelihood(h,n,p_prime)/likelihood(h,n,p) * (dbeta(p_prime,1,1)/dbeta(p,1,1))
- Step 4) Next, we generate a uniform random number between 0 and 1. If this
number is < R, we will accept the new value for p (p') and we
update the value of p = p'. If not, the change is rejected.
if (R > 1) {R <- 1}
random <- runif (1, 0, 1)
if (random < R) {
p <- p_prime
- Step 5) Now we record the current value of p.
posterior[i,1] <- log(likelihood(h, n, p))
posterior[i,2] <- p
Finally, we should repeat this loop many times to obtain a good estimate of p.
This can be easily done in R using a For
loop (check the full code below).
Following the example studied in MadPhylo with RevBayes, I wrote some
code to reproduce this example with R. We toss a coin 100 times, and
we obtain 73 heads. Is my coin biased? Let's check what is the
probability to obtain a head given the data:
# Set the numer of tosses.
n <- 100
# Set the number of heads obtained.
h <- 73
# Define our likelihood function.
# Since our model is a binomial model, we can use:
likelihood <- function(h,n,p){
lh <- dbinom(h,n,p)
# Set the starting value of p
p <- runif(1,0,1)
# Create an empty data.frame to store the accepted p values for each iteration.
# Remember: "the posterior probability is just an updated version of the prior"
posterior <- data.frame()
# Set the lenght of the loop (Marcov Chain, number of iterations).
nrep <- 5000
# Start the loop (MCMC)
for (i in 1:nrep) {
# Obtain a new proposal value for p
p_prime <- p + runif(1, -0.05,0.05)
# Avoid values out of the range 0 - 1
if (p_prime < 0) {p_prime <- abs(p_prime)}
if (p_prime > 1) {p_prime <- 2 - p_prime}
# Compute the acceptance proability using our likelihood function and the
# beta(1,1) distribution as our prior probability.
R <- likelihood(h,n,p_prime)/likelihood(h,n,p) * (dbeta(p_prime,1,1)/dbeta(p,1,1))
# Accept or reject the new value of p
if (R > 1) {R <- 1}
random <- runif (1,0,1)
if (random < R) {
p <- p_prime
# Store the likelihood of the accepted p and its value
posterior[i,1] <- log(likelihood(h, n, p))
posterior[i,2] <- p
Let's plot some results...
par(mfrow= c(1,2))
prior <- rbeta(5000, 1,1)
plot(1:5000 ,posterior$V2, cex=0, xlab = "generations", ylab = "p",
main = "trace of MCMC\n accepted values of parameter p\n prior = beta(1,1) generations = 5000")
lines(1:5000, posterior$V2, cex=0)
abline(h=mean(posterior$V2), col="red")
plot(density(posterior$V2), xlim = c(min(min(prior),min((posterior$V2))), max(max(prior),max((posterior$V2)))),
ylim = c(0, max(max(density(prior)$y),max((density(posterior$V2)$y)))), main= "prior VS posterior\n prior= beta(1,1)",
lwd=3, col="red")
lines(density(prior), lwd=3, lty=2, col="blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c("prior density","posterior density"),
col=c("blue","red"), lty=c(3,1), lwd=c(3,3), cex = 1)
Well, we can see that the probability to obtain a head given our data is around 0.7, so our coin must be a fake!
You can play with the code and explorewith a different number of tosses, or the effect of a different prior for p...
If you want to learn more about Bayesian Inference, I recommend you these YouTube videos by Rasmus Bååth, or this wonderful book/course by Richard McElreath
That's all!
ResponderEliminarFantastic post.
Really enjoyed reading it and it held my attention all the way through! Keep it up.
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Can I have example of Weibull regression model and how to find the prior and posterior please