jueves, 9 de julio de 2020

N-mixture models to estimate animal abundance with R and unmarked

Hi there!

 During the pandemic lockdown I was studying how N-mixture models to estimate animal abundance works. As a result, I wrote this small tutorial in R (Spanish) that helped me to better understand such models. Any correction or suggestion can be made by posting here or at jflopez.bio@gmail.com.

Hope you enjoy it!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I don't speak Spanish, but Google chrome translated your tutorial to English for me. It was very helpful, thank you!!

    1. Hi! Sorry about that... I used Spanish to fill the gap existing about this methods in other languages than English... I strongly recomend the book "Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology Analysis of distribution, abundance and species richness in R and BUGS" from Marc Kéry and J. Andrew Royle (Kéry and Royle 2016)

